Jan 14, 2025
Remember what we discussed today - be mindful and aware of these things:
1) Involve your lower lip more; start notes with the release of a "p" sound; remember that the inside, wet part of the lips is the main tool for shaping your flute tone
2) Make sure that your right pointer finger is lined up with your right thumb as if you are pinching (don't let your thumb be too far under the flute)
3) Shorten your nails (they don't have to be super short)
Your assignments for next lesson
- From the EXERCISES section: Practice the pdf D Major Scale/Arp Exercises à la Mozart - practice this material with the METRONOME. The tempo goal is 60 bpm. When that is solid and consistent, we can bump to 70-80bpm.
- Get going on the 1st page of the Mozart Concerto - again, practice this material with the METRONOME.
This scale/arpeggio sheet is full of exercises that will help you with the Mozart concerto; When you are comfortable with the notes and rhythms then put these with the metronome at quarter note = 60-70:
LINK to Key Signature Review - practice both pdfs in each key. For now, let's focus on the keys of F, Bb, Eb, G, and D.
Get going with this exercise pdf - practice through m. 18 (the G Major/E minor stuff):
Practice #40 and #41 and focus on SUBDIVISION.
Remember to identify the smallest note values in the piece and then subdivide those throughout the entire piece:
Practice the first pdf -
2.0 Rhythmic Integrity:
These are études that we'll do later - you are not yet assigned to practice these. I just put them up so they're here when we need them:
Check out Tico Tico: