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MARC's saxophone Lessons

Oct 26, 2022


Hi Marc! You made great improvements today! Most of the items below have been here since your first lesson, but I think you will be able to play them well now. 

Ode to Joy Duet - you can practice the top part (alto saxophone 1) and play along with the recordings when you are ready. Don't worry about the rhythms that you may not know yet - your ears will tell you how to play those:

Ode to Joy (alto top)
00:00 / 02:02
Ode to Joy (alto bottom)
00:00 / 01:55

Ah, Vous Dirai/Twinkle Twinkle Duet - Practice the top part and then try playing along with the recordings:


PRO TIP: Whenever you are playing along with a recording, it's way better to use headphones - otherwise we can't hear the recordings very well when we're playing along!

LINK to Note-Reading Videos - 3 very short videos about the musical alphabet

Two Beautiful Melodies in the Key of G - the pdf below contains two songs; the videos are for reference so your ears will recall these melodies:

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